Hans Haveron (USA) LIVE ART

American Artist/Costume/Body Painter/Clothing Designer/Muralist Hans Haveron

Hans has been part of Team Deliverance since the very first one in 2010.

Hyper fast live painter, body painter, muralist and all round awesome character.

We are SO excited to have him back, producing not just an amazing installation, but also doing live painting, body painting, and whatever else we can talk him into ;)

Former Disney Artist, original Facebook HQ interior muralist, street artist and muralist, illustrator, costume designer, film, music video & television art director, interior & exterior design consultant, sculptor, toy designer, custom hot rod, boat and airplane airbrush artist, body painter and clothing designer from Los Angeles.

Originally from Austin, Texas Hans was raised by professional artists and art professors. He gains his inspiration from Mother Nature, pop culture, history, architecture, fairy tales & fashion.