The Greater Soul moves in only one direction, and that is to bring into union that which has been made separate.
Bert Hellinger, founder of Systemic Family Constellations
Individually we come from Holistic Counselling and group work backgrounds. We bring our extensive experience of being both facilitators and participants in creating safety and sacredness to the group space. Normal group guidelines, such as confidentiality, are named at the beginning of the day.
Nature Constellations: Having studied with Francesca Mason Boring, we became interested in the intersection between Family Constellations and sacred indigenous ceremony and its connection to the natural world.
We have now developed and gathered a number of group practices involving ‘other than human resources’ – elements from nature, animals etc are represented in the constellation method.
We are also bringing wisdom and learning from our study and participation in the work of Joanna Macey and the Work that Reconnects. This group work is developed around the human relationship to the natural world, and particularly relevant in this time of ecological crisis